Two films depict 1970s Iran
November 10th, 2009
Baadeh Sabah / The Lovers’ Wind / Vent Des Amoureux [English language] [Farsi Version]
Shot 1970, completed posthumously 1978, 35mm
Title Unknown (Postscript to Baadeh Sabah) (1971)
Audio/Visual: sound, color
Music: Francis Lai
18 Minutes
You an also watch them here.
Source: Tehran Bureau
‘Persepolis’ updated
July 9th, 2009
An updated version of “Persepolis”, the graphics novel by Iranian-French artist Marjane Satrapi, illustrating the current uprising in Iran This one is done by two of her fans.
The Youth of Iran
October 26th, 2008
A short film called “Generation Tehran” beautifully captures the thinkings and lifestyle of a group of the younger generation in Tehran. Directed by Sara Bavar.
November 9th, 2007
This is a French made hand-drawn animated movie set in the late 70s to 90s in Iran and Europe.
The story follows a young girl’s (Marjane) life in the affleunt north of Tehran and her often sad journey through life in the midst of the Iranian [Islamic] revolution and her struggles when she’s sent to Europe.
Although the whole story is about fighting for your right to live a happy life, there are so many moments of pure joy and laughter that you come out of the cinema feeling up beat and somehow content.
To be honest lots of scenes set in Tehran in the early eighties reminded me of my own brief time in that smokey city. There are moments that I thought “this is exactly how it was!”, “this is what I saw, was told, experienced!.
A truly magical movie adapted from a graphics novel based on a true story of Marjane Satrapi.
I believe the English version will not be released until December but Iggy Pop and Sean Penn are going to be doing voice-overs!